Thanks to our friend A.G.W., this music has provided hours of peace and pleasure since mid-November. Our recommendations won't always be this tranquil, but it fits the screenplay of life at this moment in time.
Thanksgiving: A Windham Hill Collection
Four Years Later
COVID:2 Collage Four years ago today we all came home for the lock down. Middle school classes conducted by zoom on the deck, college cours...
For a very dear young woman whose bridal shower was tonight: If you google “Marriage Advice Quotes” you have to be prepared for a whole ...
COVID:226 That number signifies that we have been marking our days since March 13. That was when we came home to work remotely. That was whe...
Sad Di awaiting her turn in the E.R. We got away to Chico in December. It’s an annual tradition to celebrate John’s birthday and have an e...