Friday, January 21, 2005

To comment or not to comment...that is the question.

I am in the midst of a rigorous and enjoyable debate with a dear friend and blogger about comments. You may have noticed there is no place to comment at the end of my posts. This is intentional. But, my friend is applying logical arguments and subtle pressure to have me include the comment feature on A Circle of Quiet.

The jury is still out. But, I am wavering.

If you have strong opinions, one way or the other, please note my more natural method of communication in the handy dandy sidebar (email address: and load on the pressure. Remember, my nickname is Boundary Queen. But, even the Queen needs to have a well-used gate in the wall, and this may (or may not) be one of those times.

We shall see.

Happy Friday!

**Saturday update** Thanks to those who have written. After a good night's sleep and some interesting email correspondence, I have decided to keep things as they are. BUT, I did add a link to my email address in the sidebar to your right, and I even encouraged you that I DO want to hear what you are thinking and learning. Believe me. I mean it.

Off to walk.

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