Friday, January 14, 2005

The To-Do List

There are lists of things to do, and then there are Lists Of Things To Do. Some days and weeks can look like this:

1) Cook
2) Clean
3) Call to have window repair estimated
4) Call to have carpet spot-removal done
5) Pick up car from major, unexpected repair
6) Clean the chicken coop
7) Correct math papers
8) Buy new coffee pot (quickly)
9) Learn how to repair hole in wall
10)Buy more ibuprofen

But not this weekend. Shun those home repairs. Trade in the weekday shuffle for the weekend waltz. Pull out the movies, pile up the books, brew up some french roast and let the week-end begin!

Our week-end list:

1) Eat Taco Salad
2) Watch David Copperfield
3) Oldest dear daughter to teach mother how to knit
4) Play football with the children
5) Work in art journal
6) Walk around the local lake
7) Find snow and play
8) Grade papers
9) Read, read and read some more
10)Sip and talk and laugh and play and sip some more

Yes, grading papers can be on a fun list of things to do. As my teacher/husband says, it has to be done and it is kind of fun when you actually have the time. The alternative,finding time where there is none, would go on the nasty to do list.

We'll still be cooking (everyone under forty at our house is growing and starving most days) but that's okay; we work pretty well as a team. Plus, the house is clean and the laundry is caught up (I know, the day is young. But, it will be there waiting when I am ready to acknowledge it.) The seatwork is almost finished and we can move on to reading Midshipman Quinn. With two children involved in a competitive speech and debate league, there will be a fair amount of drama, of the planned and sanctioned variety, and we still need to watch more of Return of the King extended DVD. I can't wait, so off to it.

Happy Friday.

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Four Years Later

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