Friday, February 04, 2005


Still life

Of note:

Knitting: I finally managed to pick up some wooden knitting needles and I could easily become a wooden needle zealot. I no longer feel like an arthritic person, completely lacking small motor skills; I am actually knitting (though if you look closely you will recognize the scarf for the novice attempt that it is.)

The mug: The latest offering from a favorite resource: Peace Hill Press. Even as a mostly decaffeinated person, I love sipping from my Well-Caffeinated Mind mug. It is a source of great humor around here, too: "Honey, is this your Well-Caffeinated Mind, or mine?" "If you have to ask, I would guess you don't have a caffeinated mind, dear!" Also, more evidence that we have spent enough time in the era of the Reign of Terror: one of my anonymous children said the Peace Hill Press logo looked like a guillotine. Okay, time to move on to more tranquil pastures.

Latte: Please note the incredible example of foam on the top of the mug. Such an art form, and we try and perfect it every afternoon.

The weekend promises to be a fine one. Tonight, we dance. English Country Dancing is the plan, and we are all attending in our Sunday duds. Socialization at its best, as we make sure we don't bring three more young men into society that refuse to dance. The water heater is already hard at work, the iron is heating, and the rarely seen blazers, ties and lace are coming out of hiding.

Tomorrow, we scrub and clean, but keep plenty of time for walking, tennis and the garden. The weather has been strangely warm, bringing the spring bulbs bursting through the ground in February. We are hoping for much more of our favorite days of cold and wet. But, this is California. Who knows what the next three months will be like?

An early crocus

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