Saturday, April 09, 2005

Wouldn't want to be predictable...

Just to keep you all guessing, I am participating in a MEME. Thanks to Miz Booshay at Quiet Life, I know what one is. Phew. Thanks to Waterfall at A Sort of Notebook for asking me to play along. It’s good for me to get out of my ruts from time to time.

1) You're stuck inside Fahrenheit 451, which book do you want to be?

Waterfall had a good question: Does this mean I will be burned or memorized? I can’t even fathom being burned, so let’s go with "worth memorizing." It is a tie between Les Miserables and The Lord of the Rings. No short pieces for me. Make ‘em memorize a long one!

2) Have you ever had a crush on a fictional character?

No, not really. There have been plenty of characters that I have wanted to meet, and male characters that I have found interesting, but none of them were of the crush variety. The closest I ever came was in junior high when I read Daddy Long Legs by Jean Webster. “Daddy” was quite a guy.

3) The last book you bought is:

Poetic Knowledge: The Recovery of Education by James S. Taylor

4) The last book you read:

The Philosopher’s Diet by Richard Watson

5) What are you currently reading?

I am reading, have been reading, will continue to read:
The Name of the Rose by Umberto Eco.

Also on my nightstand/in the restroom/in my carry-it-all bag:
A collection of Lord Peter Wimsey mysteries by Dorothy Sayers
Reversed Thunder by Eugene Peterson
The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe by C.S. Lewis
Elements of Style by Strunk and White

6) Five books you would take to a deserted island:

This question makes me break out in a sweat…only five books? I immediately want to ask for six, seven, or can these ten count as one if they are all by the same author…

But, if I had to choose, I would choose books for two different reasons: ones that I would need to survive, and those that are still on my list of to-be-reads that I would finally have time to read:

1) A bible
2) A survival info. book (I am not a camper…I camp, but I count on lots of supportive folks around me.)
3) The complete works of C.S. Lewis
4) Wheelock’s Latin text
5) A large astronomy text

(Can I also have my very cool reading journal, plenty of refills and a stack of pens/pencils? Thanks.)

But, if I could add just five MORE:

1) Paradise Lost
2) Dantes Divine Comedy
3) Canterbury Tales
4) The Mitford Chronicles
5) Some humongous mystery anthology that included Dorothy Sayers, P.D. James, Ellis Peters, Sue Grafton, and plenty more of the same quality.

7) Who are you going to pass this stick to (3 persons) and why:

Kate at Under the Sky because I have to know if she has ever had a crush on a literary character. Eh, Kate? If you can't confess in writing, we can always meet at Borders for a confession session.

Anne of Green Curtains because she reads interesting things, and can articulate what she is learning. Plus, she has nothing else to do. Seven children. Trying to sell and buy houses. Home educating. Come on, Anne. What are you reading?

Amanda at Wittingshire because her passion, wit and intelligence make her reading choices great candidates for my wish list.

Tag! You're "it" ladies.

Okay, I played. Back to being "ruttish."

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