Monday, May 02, 2005

Unhappy campers

Pretty much sums it up around here....

Last Tuesday, on our way to art class, one of my children gave rather sudden "evidence" of intestinal discomfort. I naively assumed car sickness (straight road, slow and constant traffic flow...naive!) Well, the bug that bit the art student is making its way through the Circle of Quiet family, bringing misery to most of us. But, ever-looking for that bright lining in the dark cloud, my too-tight-waistband is now loose, I may just get through The Name of the Rose before the school year is over, and it sure saves money on the food budget. Plus, the handy thing about home education is that you can do math and history, listen to story tapes, and even do typing practice on a laptop, all from a horizontal position. You can also watch too much NBA playoffs basketball, watch the "making of" portion of Pirates of the Caribbean, and eat many, many, many saltine crackers.

This is the week of my son's 12th birthday, with plans for an English Country Dancing bash in the backyard, and a long-awaited visit from the WPMs family this weekend. We have a tour of Gold Rush history sites planned, not intestinal discomfort! We can only hope that, since all but one of us are in various stages of illness and recovery, we will be brand-spankin' new by the week-end. Only time, and boxes of saltines, will tell.

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Four Years Later

COVID:2 Collage  Four years ago today we all came home for the lock down. Middle school classes conducted by zoom on the deck, college cours...