Tuesday, June 07, 2005

I've been tagged

by Staci at Writing and Living.

1. What is the total number of books owned, ever?

An honest answer would be too time-consuming. I have gotten ridden of a lot books in life, and we have bookcases now in our living room, bathrooms, bedrooms, hallways, garage and a few nooks and crannies in between. I would guess that we currently own around 2,000. Owned ever? Maybe another 350 books? All I know is that I should talk to an insurance guy about extra coverage for the books.

2. What is the last book you bought?

Like many who have answered this question, I am in the midst of curriculum shopping for our next school year. This is a year of big purchases, so I could bore you with the list from my Sonlight order. Have no fear, I will just list my latest Amazon.com order instead.

The Most Of P.G. Wodehouse
Keys to Drawing, Bert Dodson
Painting Greeting Cards in Watercolor, Jacqueline Penney
Mr. Mulliner, P. G. Wodehouse

I know, we are a ruttish clan, but we choose our favorite kinds of ruts, and they are so cozy.

3. What is the last book you read?

Death in Holy Orders, by P.D. James. She is one of my favorite mystery writers.

4. Five books that mean a lot to me:

* The Bible – a book I loved from early childhood, it came alive to me in high school as I became personally acquainted with the Author.

* The Lord of the Rings, by J.R.R. Tolkien - I have written before about how this was the book that turned on my Lifelong Learning Lightbulb; it’s been my good friend ever since.

* What is a Family? by Edith Schaeffer – My husband and I read this book on vacation when we were first married. Something in the writing broke a dam inside of me, and I realized I had a lot to learn about what makes a family. Knowing what I don’t know has always been one of my strengths, and it keeps me learning.

* The Well-Trained Mind, by Susan Wise Bauer and Jessie Wise. This was the lightbulb book for our family home education path. It is the perfect grid for us, and it has provided some much needed affirmation of rigor and discipline (qualities I don’t come by honestly.) This book also led me to find support on the Well-Trained Mind message boards, which led to cyber and in-real-life friends, which opened up the world of blogs, which led to A Circle of Quiet. Quite a big ripple in the pond of my life!

* The Student’s Guide to Keeping an Art Journal, by Barry Stebbing – This was the creativity lightbulb book. It has awakened an interest in drawing and painting that had never surfaced, and helped with my writing and thinking in ways I never imagined.

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