Saturday, July 16, 2005

Paradigm shift

There are two jars of coffee beans in the cafe that is our kitchen. We take our coffee seriously around here, and caffeination has been a regular routine. But, my husband likes a pot of half "leaded" and half "unleaded" coffee in the morning, so we have kept that little jar in the barista corner of the counter. Big jar has caffeinated beans, little jar has the decaffeinated ones.

Well, there comes a time in some of our lives when the caffeination jig is up. And that would be me, and that would be now (heavy sigh, violin music if you please.) So, to support his wife's needs, my husband agreed to switch the coffee beans. Scary business when you like your ruts deep and long. But, though the earth shook, we made the switch and have yet to confuse the two. Big jar decaffeinated, little jar caffeinated.

For a woman whose love language is a cup of coffee in bed in the morning, having a husband that doesn't mind making an entirely separate carafe of coffee for me in the morning is the same as some people's dozen roses, love note on the sink, or even a long trip to the Bahamas! This is "LOVE YOU" loud and clear, and I am deeply grateful.

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Four Years Later

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