Thursday, September 29, 2005

Long overdue thanks, and a request

One of the unexpected joys of blogging has been hearing from people that read A Circle of Quiet. From the very beginning, I have had emails each week that cheer or motivate or invigorate my mind. What a gift! So, thank you for reading what I write. And, thank you for writing and letting me know what you think. It means the world to me.

And now, the first-ever Circle of Quiet survey. Every now and then, Mrs. Mmv asks her audience what they are reading; I would now like to do the same. I know you are an eclectic bunch, and I would like to have as many of you as possible represented in my list. What are you reading? Your husband? Your roommate? Your sister? Your children? I'd love a good list to post, and I will happily publish it in a week or so. You can reach me here.

An unabashed ploy for more emails? Perhaps, but also a desire to know more about you. Write soon, and look for a What They're Reading post soon.

Again, thanks for your correspondence. Don't stop -- I love it.

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