Monday, April 24, 2006

Getting real

Randi has issued the Get Real Monday Challenge again, this time asking what we do to relax and re-energize. Well, let me count the ways. I love to read, I love to take a power nap, I love to be outside with my children. Working in the garden or cleaning house can even be relaxing, if it's not a rush job. If, however, what I need is to be alone for a bit, I usually find a place at home rather than going out. Going out gets expensive, and that does not relax me.

The bath is always a good choice, here shown with candles (especially helpful if your bathroom is not spotless.) This was my choice for Saturday night, and I listened to a CD from the CiRCE institute. No book to drop in the water, no need to keep my hands dry. Very relaxing bath, very re-energizing CD.

My other favorite spot is the deck on a warmish evening. I am usually joined by a cat or a dog, but they don't ask much; a pat every now and then, and their companionship is worth it. I often hear the work or play of a child or two or three outside, or the sounds of the piano floating out the window. This corner of my deck is the theater for sunset viewing, and it was the perfect place for reading In This House of Brede.

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Four Years Later

COVID:2 Collage  Four years ago today we all came home for the lock down. Middle school classes conducted by zoom on the deck, college cours...