Tuesday, May 09, 2006

A blog post just for me....

It's a "late night" night here, and I decided to take a break and check the blog of one of my favorite girls: The Autumn Rain. I had suggested that she write her own Where I am From poem, and she did it! You can read it here.

Miss Autumn Rain's poem is filled with the imagery of a vibrant, literary, magical childhood. I could practically smell the curry, hear the glorious voices (and they are glorious), and see that drying bachelor button. What a beautiful job!

This young woman is graduating from her homeschool on June 24th. I'll be there with hanky in hand, ready to pray and talk and dance her into the next season of life. I only wish I could give her a hug tonight, the night she heard of her first college scholarship, the night when she was acknowledged to be the brilliant budding authoress that we all know she is. I'm there in my heart, dear. There in my heart. Thank you so much for the poem; I love it.

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