Sunday, September 24, 2006

Sidebar update

I have been a template update slug of late, and there are a few blogs that need to be in my sidebar:

Long overdue:

A Learning Life
My dear "moved away" friend (also famous for being the mother of The Autumn Rain and five other adopted nieces and nephews.) Filled with reflections on homeschooling, house building and beautiful photographs.

A Sparrow's Home
A blog of Prince Edward Island, scripture, family, beautiful photos and terrific book recommendations. Not an "in real life" friend (yet), but one with whom I enjoying corresponding.

And two new finds:

Vox Vendsel
I found this blog through the Autumn Reading Challenge at Seasonal Soundings. It's a husband and wife effort, and posts include C.S. Lewis Sunday quotes, a list of books for the challenge that I would love to read, poetry, and recipes. Not to mention the gorgeous photograph in their blog banner. Stunning.

Adventures in Mercy
Found through Choosing Home, Molly's spot is filled with questions, definitions, and ponderings on the Christian life. Not for groupies looking for someone to follow blindly (and can we all agree that no one should be followed blindly?), but Molly is thoughtfully in process in her posts. Adventures in Mercy is also a great place for discussion in the comment section (unlike some blogs *smile*)

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