21. The stars.
Where we live it is dark and you can really see the night skies. When our dear friends from the concrete south, um, I mean, Los Angeles came to visit, we sat on the deck talking in the evening. As the sun set, they could not contain their excitement about the stars. Sometimes I forget how special they are, but not tonight.
22. The pond down the road.
We do not own it, we do not need to maintain it or insure our homes against the chance of someone getting injured in it. We just get the blessing of the wildlife that comes to stay or visit, throughout the year: egrets, blue herons, turtles, Canada geese, wood ducks, and even some sort of otter/muscrat/beaverish creature who pokes its head out every few years. It is beautiful. Monday night there was some unhappiness in our home, and for a brief break I made my way out the dark driveway and down the steep hill; I longed for the solace I knew the pond could offer. Seeing the moon reflected in the dark water gave me a glimpse of beauty, a few minutes of quiet, and a reminder that I am small and God is big. Humility was the bridge I needed for conflict resolution.
23. Deep sleep.
There are many things I do not do well. Many. But sleep is my gift. I used to joke about it, but now I realize it really is a gift. I have several friends who battle to get one or two good nights of sleep a week, but this is my first night of insomnia in months and months (years!) I love that I have the gift of sleep (except tonight, of course.)
24. David Nevue.
I first learned of Nevue's music at Holy Experience , and recently Ann recommended going to his website to enjoy his generous offer of free music downloads. His pieces are the perfect soundtrack for my days. We've been stretched in many ways, and I am working hard in the kitchen with apples and pears and pesto and more, and I long for a peace that transcends the labor and responsibility. David Nevue provides me with a musical reminder of True Peace. His sheet music, available for purchase, has also found its way to our piano. A great investment.
FYI: Nevue resides in Eugene, Oregon and his list of concerts includes many opportunities to hear him in that area. If you live in places like Monmouth or Scappoose, you might want to check for the chance to see him live.
25. My coffee cup banner -- it's found! Yippee. I love that coffee cup.
~ A short list, but my gratitude for good sleep is very convincing and ... my ... eyelids ... are ... drooping. I tell you, it's a gift!

Posted as a part of the Gratitude Community at Holy Experience.
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