Wednesday, November 17, 2010

More reasons I love my mother: a recent list

1) We were having a discussion about the wonders of Gaudy Night by Dorothy Sayers, and she recited the last line. By memory. With feeling.

"and no hand plucked his velvet sleeve."

2) When writing a note to a friend, she used the word insouciant. I only know this because it became quite the stir at church, causing everyone to run for their dictionaries. I guess insouciant isn't a very common word, but it is marvelous.

insouciance: lighthearted unconcern: nonchalance

3) Roasted beets with orange peel were her idea. Yumola.

4) She became a Wendell Berry fan last month. She loved that Nathan Coulter begins with one word: Dark. I love that she loves that.


elizabeth said...

That is beautiful. Many years to your beloved Mother.

Woman of the House said...

She sounds like an amazing woman!

Four Years Later

COVID:2 Collage  Four years ago today we all came home for the lock down. Middle school classes conducted by zoom on the deck, college cours...