Tuesday, December 21, 2004

The HMS Perspicacity

On my kitchen counter right now is a huge piece of butcher paper. It is a very large drawing of a frigate that my children have named the HMS Perspicacity. (Definition: perspicacious -- of acute mental vision or discernment: KEEN syn see SHREWD. What a great word.)

Despite our strong conviction and enjoyment of studying history chronologically, we are drifting from the Middle Ages and finding our interests floating out to sea during the Napoleonic wars. First we got our toes wet with Master and Commander, both the book by Patrick O'Brian and the movie of the same title. Then, we jumped on board and set sail with Horatio Hornblower, in print (C.S. Forester) and on film. Now, I am reading a biography of Horatio Nelson, and the children are pulling out a favorite book on ships to draw their own frigate. I surrender -- the seas of the Napoleonic wars will be our history studies for January.

Some links:

Sailing Ships: A Lift-the-Flap Discovery

Horatio Hornblower dvds

Mr. Midshipman Hornblower, C.S. Forester

Master and Commander: The Far Side of the World

The Complete Aubrey and Maturin Novels

Nelson: Love and Fame

The Midshipman Quinn Collection, S. Styles

A disclaimer: Please do not assume that the recommendations I link on A Circle of Quiet will be appropriate for all audiences. Use your good judgement!

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