Monday, January 31, 2005

Parenting, blogging, and privacy

Please put me out of my misery if A Circle of Quiet becomes a place to spew all my supposed parenting angst on you. PLEASE. Just leave and never come back, because it would be a total waste of your time, my time, all time. This article in the New York Times got my blood boiling this morning. Some quotes:

The world's most thankless occupation, parenthood...

(I could not disagree more.)

People who get married, especially people in their 30's, and then have kids, are used to being the center of attention...

(Correct me if I am wrong, but isn't this a problem?)

what is being expressed in these Web sites "is the deep, evolutionarily acquired desire to rise above invisibility, something parents experience all the time."

(I am a parent. I do not experience this all the time. Period.)

"If you only went by what the magazines and parenting books said or what your relatives told you, you'd think you were a neurotic freak who was doing everything wrong,"..."Blogging makes parents more relaxed." But the question is, at who's expense? How will the bloggee feel, say, 16 years from now, when her prom date Googles her entire existence?"

(Put the magazines down. Walk away from the well-meaning relatives. And, remember that your family is filled with PEOPLE. People tend to value their privacy. People have feelings. People will READ what you write if it is on the web. There is always a face peeking over my shoulder, and that is how it should be. My family deserves (and has) my respect, no matter what kind of day they are having. I appreciate the same from them.)

To set the record straight: We're human here. Anyone who searches shelves for p.m.s. related products provides some emotional variety in her home, right? But, for crying out loud, it is my job as the grown-up to provide stability, a listening ear, an interest in the younger people in my house, and the willingness to leave the Me-Me-Me of decades past where it belongs (in the past.)

Thanks, M'mv , for the article link/shot of adrenaline. Who needs caffeine when you can get annoyed at the New York Times?

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