Tuesday, June 14, 2005


A picture will have to be worth a thousand words this week. It is Latin-in-a-Week in our corner of the world, the language acquisition equivalent of drinking from a fire hose. Our oldest daughter is taking the class, and I am the support staff working as the caterer and chauffeur for the week. Amidst it all, of course, the dog seems to have a medical problem, my mother needs to get to the doctor, and the camping laundry refuses to do itself while I am gone. The nerve! I will have coherent thoughts to share when the dust settles and the cookie crumbs are swept away. For now:

Wes Callihan, esteemed Latin tutor

Vocab drill...drill...drill

As the quiet descends upon the far corners of the house, I keep thinking I hear chanting and conjugation mutterings from the downstairs bedroom. Dreaming? Only perhaps.

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Four Years Later

COVID:2 Collage  Four years ago today we all came home for the lock down. Middle school classes conducted by zoom on the deck, college cours...