Tuesday, December 13, 2005


We were at the midnight showing of Narnia last Thursday night/Friday morning. Having loved the stories for so long, it seemed appropriate to see it at the first possible moment. With the assistance of a very large eggnog latte and a theater coke that cost an arm and a leg, I was even able to stay awake.

We loved the movie. Yes, they made changes, some of which didn't seem at all necesary, but none of them were distracting from the story. I loved how they set the scene for why Edmund was so unhappy. I loved the actors that played the four children. The scenery was breathtaking. I took my younger two yesterday, and there were some spots where I had them hide their eyes and concentrate on chewing Skittles, but it wasn't nearly as scary as I had thought it might be. The worst for me? The scenes in the beginning with the bombing of London and all the children leaving on the train. Those children on the train scenes make me cry. Every time.

Highly recommended.

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