Monday, February 27, 2006

Morning musings

We left the house at 9:00 yesterday morning, and four-sevenths of us did not get home until 10:00 last night. Every event was something I wanted and needed to do, and the people we were with are precious to me; I am still enough of an extrovert to enjoy these days. But after sleeping in this morning, my introverted side had a bit of a social hangover. "Could we have a little peace and quiet to make up for giving the extrovert her dream day?" (Yes, I have different voices inside me. Yes, they talk to me and to each other. Don't worry. We'll be fine!)

The weather here is perfect for a recovering introvert. As I look out my window, the rain is pelting down, and I can hear the wind whipping around the house. Everyone has slowly gotten busy, and the gentle hum of the day is off and running. I'm not the only one that is tired today, so I have had my share of conflict resolution opportunities, but that's okay. It's time for another pot of coffee, some quiet music (Phil Coulter? James Galway?), and a good book. Our current read-aloud is A Wrinkle in Time by Madeleine L'Engle, and my current book is The Count of Monte Cristo (only 700 more pages to go!) Just the sound of the coffee grinder and the thunk of a 1200-page Dumas volume landing on the end table makes my weary introvert sigh with contentment.

Happy Monday!

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