Thursday, February 09, 2006

A note on Seasonal Soundings (with an update)

If any of you are regular readers at Seasonal Soundings, I just heard from Janie that her blog appears to have tanked. For no known reason, her template is blank, her links are gone...poof! I was so eager for Janie to begin blogging, I just can't accept that she might have to call it quits. Sniff. Perhaps she will find someone who can find all that missing data for her.

Most of my week's spare moments have been spent fixing or replacing numerous (as in double-digit numerous) pieces of electronic equipment. Knowing now that anything that can break will (and probably this week), I immediately went to my template and copied the whole thing into a Word document. For you, that may just be second nature, but I always expect things to work and stay working. Silly me.

Here's hoping you find all those lost gems, Janie.

**UPDATE** She figured it out and Seasonal Soundings is back. But, if you blog, follow her advice. Blogger has been behaving strangly, and I sure don't want to be found with my html missing!

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Four Years Later

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