Thursday, March 16, 2006

Approved reading lists?!

A great post at The Internet Monk on authors he reads, why he reads them and why he doesn't follow someone else's expectations in his choices:

"I am not trying to imitate the intellectual life of some hero, guru, preacher or professor. My reading is eclectic, independent, and all centered around my faith in the incarnate Word, Jesus Christ, as the key to all knowledge. (Colossians 2:1-3)"

"I do read a bit as a fan of certain writers, but I will tell anyone that when you hear the writers that I like, I can apprise you of major ways in which I disagree with almost every one of them. In some cases, I share little in common and disagree about much, but what I admire makes them worth the read. Some of my favorite writers are just fun to read, no matter what I think of what they are saying."

"I read to explore. Faith is a pilgrimage and an adventure, but it is a journey best made with guides, friends and those who have been farther along the road than I. We read to know we are not alone. I practice that maxim."

The reading life is a journey. Who is writing your itinerary? Is that a good thing? Think about it.

HT: Sparrow

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