Monday, April 03, 2006

Rain - the dark side

I have made it clear in my writing that I love rain. It's my favorite kind of weather. I realize now, however, that a clarification is in order: I love the rain when it is outside. Drips of water that land just outside my clothes closet do not count as the favored rain. Fortunately for us, we have competent boys who think climbing on the roof in a torrential downpour, or crawling in a creepy, crawl space of an attic is FUN. They got on the project immediately, isolated the source of the leak (the cooler installed on the roof weakened some shingles) and got the temporary solution in place.

It's a good thing because our five-day forecast options are:


I loved watching my competent, confident sons. I am unabashedly proud of their willingness to serve; they've done a great job of getting the water out of the house and back onto the roof where it belongs. Thanks, guys.

My heroes

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