Wednesday, February 17, 2010

It's a great day to turn eleven

If there is a court and a ball and a hoop....

If there is a slope with enough snow, and a sled or some skis ...

If there is a goal to achieve...

This young man is ready. He will give it all. He is a joy.

Happy Birthday to Mr. Brennan, my favorite eleven-year-old.


Addie said...

Great pictures, Mrs. Wheeler! :) Happy birthday to Brennan!

Lynn in WI said...

When you come to Wisconsin, please bring Brennan!

(Love that basketball pic! Wowzers.)

Happy birthday #10!

Di said...

When you come to Wisconsin...oh, I like the sounds of that.

Picture of Bren's banner coming includes the word "bombastic" for which we have you to thank (-:

Anonymous said...

What a guy! He really is "one of a kind" as the card I sent says. Love the pics!

Four Years Later

COVID:2 Collage  Four years ago today we all came home for the lock down. Middle school classes conducted by zoom on the deck, college cours...