Monday, November 08, 2010

ND Wilson

Two of my favorite books from the year were by ND Wilson:

His slightly wacky style often veers into the profound, and I find his books entertaining, convicting, and downright enjoyable.

And so I looked through his website last night and found this:

ND Wilson on writing.

Great advice. Very kind, in a kick in the backside sort of way.

My two favorite posts in the writing series are here and here . I am done with Day One of describing my morning view...I am wondering how in the heck I will do it day after day for the next month.

One day at a time, I suppose. Like everything else.

1 comment:

Woman of the House said...

My daughter really enjoyed both of those books. I haven't read either, but I will have to put them on my TBR pile (along with Brother Cadfael!).

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