Tuesday, December 07, 2010

The difference it makes

The Incarnation.

Sometimes I can miss the point.

But then life gets messy and frightening and I realize:

The Incarnation is my rock.

The REALITY that the Son of God was born and lived and died and rose again is IT.

This is not a seasonal celebration; it is my very life and breath and meaning.

More than ever I can relate to Peter.  When Jesus was asking if the disciples, too, would leave after being confronted with the stumbling block that is the body and blood of Christ, he answered:

Lord, to whom shall we go?  You have words of eternal life.  And we have believed and have come to know that You are the Holy One of God.  John 6:68-69

It turns out that Advent is a matter of life and death, my life and death.


The Prude said...

the 'very God of very God' gives eternal life and puts death to death.
The photo is so lovely Di!
I tried to do some Di-type photos over Thanksgiving.
I need more practice.

Kate said...

Amen, sister. Amen.

Four Years Later

COVID:2 Collage  Four years ago today we all came home for the lock down. Middle school classes conducted by zoom on the deck, college cours...