Monday, April 17, 2006

Spring beauty

I had plans to write deep thoughts today, but the sun shone in the window. I couldn't ignore it after it had been gone for so many weeks. I walked in the front yard, enjoying my gardening daughter's fruitful labor.

An iris for Alison

I thought of my dear friend Alison, far away in Half Moon Bay, but always close when I see the iris blooming.


A walk produced a bouquet of exploding sunshine: buttercups in abundance. They are such blithe flowers, a welcome display for the dining table.


I am amazed at the colors on the day after it storms (yes, again.) The sunshine is so bright, making my eyes squint as I watch the clouds dance across the brilliant blue canvas. Today was irresistible, cool but clear, and no forecast of rain for three days. No wonder I couldn't come inside.

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