Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Wedding meme

For Miz Booshay:

1. Where/How did you meet? We met at a Goker invitation writing party (you don’t know what Goker is? How is that possible? More soon on Goker.)

2. How long have you known each other? Since 1981

3. How long after you met did you start dating? Not until July of 1985

4. How long did you date before you were engaged? Five-and-a-half months

5. How long was your engagement? Six months and six days

6. How long have you been married? 20 ½ years

7. What is your anniversary? June 28, 1986

8. How many people came to your wedding reception? 225 - 250

9. What kind of cake did you serve? BAD CAKE. Dry. Icky. But, I didn’t care

10. Where was your wedding? At Peninsula Bible Church in Palo Alto, California

11. What did you serve for your meal? Manicotti and bread and salad. The cheapest thing we could find so we wouldn’t have to severely limit the reception size.

12. How many people were in your wedding party? 14 attendants

13. Are you still friends with them all? Christmas card friends with all; good friends with several.

14. Did your spouse cry during the ceremony? No.

15. Most special moment of your wedding day? “You may kiss the bride.”

16. Any funny moments? All the groomsmen’s pants were the wrong length, the candle holders on the aisle were wobbly so two of them shattered during the ceremony...many, many goof-ups and I thought it was the most picture-perfect day in my life.

17. Any big disasters? No. The above do not count.

18. Where did you go on your honeymoon? Half Moon Bay and Mendocino, California and Ashland, OR for the Shakespeare festival (I was new to Shakespeare and tired...I slept through BOTH plays. Silly me.)

19. How long were you gone? Ten days.

20. If you were to do your wedding over.... I would buy my own dress. I borrowed mine and don’t have it for my girls to choose not to wear *smile* Would they really want to wear it? They sure think so.

21. What side of the bed do you sleep on? Right.

22. What size is your bed? Queen.

23. Greatest strength as a couple? We’re best friends, we talk about everything, we have many, many mutual interests that keep the closeness when the flame is on “low”.

24. Greatest challenge as a couple? We can both be stubborn and demanding.

25. Who literally pays the bills? We do it together.

26. What is your song? We don’t have one, but my husband is like a juke box and will burst into songs like “You’re My Inspiration” by Chicago when the moment is right. It always makes me laugh.

27. What did you dance your first dance to? A David Sandborn song.

28. Describe your wedding dress: Cream, off the shoulder, lace covered bodice and full, satin skirt. LOVED IT. But, alas, it was borrowed from a generous friend.

29. What kind of flowers did you have at your wedding? Huge, beautiful white and bright pink and periwinkle flowers. They were gorgeous.

30. Are your wedding bands engraved? My husband’s is with our wedding date. But he can’t get his ring off.

31. How old were you when you got married? I was 26 and my husband was 24.

HT: via Writing and Living

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